“A church gathered by God,
open to everyone,
following the way of Jesus,
and inspired by the Holy Spirit,
we grow wiser and kinder,
and more useful to the healing and repair of society.”
First gathered in 1701, we stand together as a community dedicated to proclaiming the good news of God’s love for the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is at the center of our common life. We are a church with a wide array of thoughts, beliefs, and ambitions. But we come together, purposefully, to love God, to love each other, and to learn the love of self.
We are not bound by, nor subject to, any centralized hierarchy. We, as a congregation, own our own buildings and grounds. Congregationalism could be strictly defined as the application of democratic principles to church governance. We speak freely, we listen prayerfully, and act only after careful discernment.
Our ministry teams gather around our core values…
Intergenerational Life
Service and Social Action
Worship and Spiritual Life
Welcome and Hospitality
And bedrock beliefs…
We believe we are called to be kind, love justice, and walk humbly with God.
We believe that God is present with us always in times of trial and rejoicing.
We embrace Jesus’ call to love and serve one another.
We believe that God hears and answers our prayers.
We believe in the fullness of God’s grace (unmerited favor).
“The work of social action is not only work we do in the world; it also includes critical self-reflection and consciousness raising. This work, that is deeply personal, has the power to transform the world.”
Open and Affirming
After a two-year process of study, prayer, and discernment, the membership of The Plymouth Church voted to become Open and Affirming or “ONA.” For more information, visit our Open and Affirming page.
Our Covenant
“We believe all people are created in the image of God, and we embrace Jesus' call to love one another. We commit ourselves to the ongoing work of being an Open and Affirming congregation. We strive, with God's grace, to welcome all persons into our community. We celebrate our differences, including age, race, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, mental and physical ability, and spiritual tradition. We invite all to share fully the life, leadership, ministry and sacraments of this church. Trusting in the Holy Spirit, we journey together in faith.”
Creation Care and Justice
We aim to answer the call to be better stewards of God’s creation. We are working to be the greenest church we can be, through education, advocacy, and service. We have made significant building improvements to decrease our carbon footprint. For more information about our environmental efforts, visit our Green Church page.
Racial Justice
We are working to understand racism and white privilege — how it remains an active and corrosive force in America. We seek to know ourselves and our role more fully; and to develop relationships within and beyond the church to repair the damage done in the world. For more information, visit our Racial Justice page.