Order Chancel Flowers
Please complete the form below. Upon receipt of your completed form, we will confirm the Sunday date you requested via email.
Chancel Flowers are $55.00. Please make your check payable to The Plymouth Church in Framingham and remember to note “Chancel Flowers” on the memo line. You may mail your check to The Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham, MA 01701. Or you may drop off your check in the Church Office.
You may also choose to purchase and bring your own arrangement. Please indicate so on the form below.
Thank you!
A 300,000-year-old Tradition?
“Using flowers to memorialize predates modern humans. Traces of pollen grains covering human skeletons have been found by archaeologists at sites dating back at least 300,000 years. At these sites, the skeletons are Neanderthal, and it is assumed they buried their dead with flowers. This ritual of leaving flowers with the body is widely considered humanity’s first form of memorializing. In the Guinness Book of World Records, this practice is listed as the oldest form of religious activity.”