““A new commandment I give to you,” Jesus said. “that you love one another, just as I have loved you.””
The burden of life is made easier when it is shared with many. We are a community who shows up when asked, who brings a good word when invited in.
In good times and bad, we offer the compassion of an extended family. This starts with hospitality, and the ways we welcome fully all persons into our congregation. And it continues through prayer and support through all of life’s milestone moments.
Pastoral Care
Our pastor is available to each member for spiritual guidance and support to accompany you along life’s twisting road. And not just our pastor: being part of a church means being welcomed into a house and given a seat on the couch.
It may seem quaint in these digital times, but a greeting card when you are seriously ill or in the hospital is a tangible reminder that even when you cannot make it to church, we hold you in prayer.
Prayer Group
Prayers lifted up on Sunday mornings live on in the prayer group. Each week they gather to sustain the prayers of the community and follow through on our promise to lift you up to God.
Prayer Shawls
Volunteers knit and crochet shawls both in yarn and prayer. These shawls are then given to members of the community at times of significance—birth, baptism, illness, etc. We're always eager for new knitting partners! To learn more about this ministry, here are some simple instructions, or visit www.shawlministry.com
Coffee Klatches
At its heart, this is small group ministry. We have divided the church up into nine small groups. And each small group is assigned a month during which they are asked to prepare, serve, and clean up Coffee Hour after worship. To learn more, visit our Coffee Klatch page.