Councils, Committees, and Ministries

The Plymouth Church in Framingham belongs to the membership. The ministry does not rain down from clouds high above; it grows from the ground up — seed, root, sprout, and blossom. The church depends on the compassion and experience of our volunteers. All that it is and all that it does depends on you showing up and lending a hand.


Effective ministry is not intuitive. The skills that work in the business world do not always correlate to those that Jesus calls forth from his disciples. The following resources are practical ways to organize within your ministry or around an idea. They seek to inspire us to be and to do church whenever we gather.

Mission and Statements
Opening a Church Meeting
Agenda Building Tips
Planning an Event
So You Want to Collaborate With Another Council?
Communication Guidelines
Event Evaluation
How To Be a Liturgist
Sunday Coffee Hour Instructions
Coffee Klatches